We took the kids to their first Titans football game this past Sunday. They weren't too excited to go because their cousin Elena had been here all weekend and they were tired. Once we got there though, they got real excited and they had an awesome time. Luckily, we had suite tickets and they were able to walk around as they wanted to. Also, there was an endless amount of popcorn for Luke. Anna enjoyed all the other food and also liked learning a little bit about football. Here is Luke trying to get a closer look:
Here is our family shot:(notice the new member Anna is holding? it's T Rac, the Titans mascot) The view from our seats: The cheerleaders that came by for a visit: (Luke was his charming self as usual) We had an awesome time! We were home by 6:30 and the kids were so exhausted they were ready for bed!
I grew up in a small town in Georgia. I graduated from The University of Georgia in 1994 with a B.S.in Education. That same year, I got married to the most awesome man. Two years later, we both went back to school, I got my nursing degree and he got his masters in sport management. After that we moved to Tennessee and have called this home for 11 years. We have been blessed with two wonderful children, Anna, 7, and Luke, 4.